an important application of Acrylic One. Creating Facades with Acrylic One offers major advantages:
- Freedom of form. Because Acrylic One is laminated or sprayed it is not limited in its final form. Straight, curved or even multi dimensional curved forms are possible.
- By using (silicone) moulds you can make any texture of the facade you wish for.
- Choose your own final look and feel. Acrylic One can be pigmented, mixed with fillers like colored sand or simply painted which gives you lots of opportunities to create your own final look and feel.
- Lightweight because of the use of the possible use of triaxial fibre as reinforment. Four layers of our triaxial fibre create lightweight and strong elements which will have a thickness of less than 1 cm. Also helpfull during transportation or strorage.
- Reproduction of your facade is very easy with the use of (silicone) moulds. Create whatever number of reproductions you need.
- Because of the limited investment in equipment Acrylic One is also suitable for limited numbers.
- Facades made of Acrylic One are safe on fire because Acrylic One LP01 is classified in relation to its reaction to fire behaviour as: B. The additional classification in relation to smoke production is: s1. The additional classification in relation to flaming droplets / particles is: d0.
Also production of Facades with Acrylic One offers major benefits because Acrylic One:
- is Water based so safe to work with. No special equiments is needed while working with Acrylic One. Your own workshop area will do. You will be surprised how easy it is to work with Acrylic One.
- does harden quickly. After 20 minutes Acrylic One starts curing. Within an hour it is possible to release the mould from its original object. After a 24 hours curing it is possible to start using the support mould for production. If needed for production the setting proces can be retarded.
- can be combined with different kind of backup materials that can be covered with Acrylic One. Wood, EPS and PU foam are the most used but others are possible as well. These backup materials create thicker panels which are also lightweight and not expensive to produce.