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Fleur Chalky Look paints 130 ml

 9.20 9.80 (iesk. PVN)

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Reģistrētie lietotāji, par pirkumiem virs 50 EUR saņem 1 IC punktu par katru iztērēto 1 EUR. Uzkrātos IC punktus var izmantot nākamo pasūtījumu daļējai apmaksai.
9 IC points – 9 IC points in IC friend program


Fleur Designer’s Paint has the unusual trait of being gorgeous, intense, rich colour that also is extremely matte. This is because the silicates and fine minerals contained with in it refract and diffuse light making it completely different from traditional acrylics.

Fleur Designer’s paint is the perfect choice to use as a ground for various painting due to it’s range of subtle and interesting colours, useful for home decor projects to add sophistication and accent pieces to your interiors and the perfect option for large matte poster design that harks back to the Twentieth century. A joy to use this matte paint offers many possibilities at once, making it a superb investment.

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg
Dimensions N/A

Black, Dove grey, Yellow, Tomato red, Tropical sunset


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