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Stencil Seasonal Garlands

 10.00 (iesk. PVN)

Stencil dimensions: 21 x 29,7 cm.

Reģistrētie lietotāji, par pirkumiem virs 50 EUR saņem 1 IC punktu par katru iztērēto 1 EUR. Uzkrātos IC punktus var izmantot nākamo pasūtījumu daļējai apmaksai.
10 IC points in IC friend program
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Universal stencil, reusable. The stencil is made of transparent, thin plastic.

Suitable for working with paints, aerosols, structural pastes, putty, etc., on various surfaces: wood, glass, ceramics, paper, cardboard and others.

With stencils, it is possible to make the environment and objects unique.

After using the stencil, wash it thoroughly with soapy water and wipe it with a damp cloth.


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