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ZA RTV 40-45 BLUE silicone

 21.50 340.20 (iesk. PVN)

ZA  RTV 40-45 BLUE is a bicomponent (base and catalyst) addition RTV silicon rubber that vulcanizes at room temperature.

Mixing ratio: 1:1

Final hardness: 40 shA

Setting time at 4 h

Working time: 50 min

Colour: blue

Clear selection
Reģistrētie lietotāji, par pirkumiem virs 50 EUR saņem 1 IC punktu par katru iztērēto 1 EUR. Uzkrātos IC punktus var izmantot nākamo pasūtījumu daļējai apmaksai.
21 IC points – 340 IC points in IC friend program


ZA RTV 40-45 BLUE silicone  is a bicomponent (base and catalyst) addition RTV silicon rubber that vulcanizes at room temperature.
Indicated for the duplication of models with small recesses.
The main property of the product to be vulcanized is its remarkable fluidity.
The main properties of the vulcanized product are:
– High chemical resistance to the aggressive components of some types of resin;
– Extremely high tear strength (this feature guarantees high resistance to wear and tear);
– High accuracy in reproducing very small details;
– High dimensional stability in time and indeformability;
– Remarkable resistance to high temperatures and aging;
– Excellent anti-stick effect.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Mixing ratio


Shore A hardness after 24 hours

40 shA


0.5 kg, 1 kg, 2 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg


1,12 g/cm3


5500 cP




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